PTA News


Currently we only have 50 members registered as PTA Members from a community of over 400 students.


PTA membership fee is $12.00 and is valid for the academic year only. However, we encourage all Vallejo Mill Elementary parents to generously donate to support supplemental academic and extra curricular programs, field trips, and class room support.  For 2023-2024 school year, the recommended donation amount is $50 per student. 

Become member today by registering online:

*NOTE: Please add the name(s) of student(s) while registering. Students can be added as a non-paid members .


All PTA meeting are virtual this year so you don't even have change out of your slippers. 

We hold them every 6-8 weeks and we send out a reminder beforehand. If you have an issue or a question, email us the week before and we can add it to the agenda. 

PTA meeting are held on Tuesdays @7pm-8pm. 

It is a great way to get to know your school community. Find out what we are planning for our school and to share your ideas for the school. All are welcome. We hope to see you soon.

PTA Sponsored Staff Room Refresh

Check out the photos of the refresh to the staff room here. We added new tables, lounge area, snack bar, and production area. We hope this gesture shows staff that we appreciate their hard work and dedication to our students. 

Shade Structure  

Our PTA has been working hard for the past several years to find a solution for the area between the MUR building and Library where our students currently eat lunch. That area is exposed to harsh weather and is in need of a shade structure. Our mission for the 2020-2021 year was to raise enough money to support the cost of this project. Our only fundraiser for the year, the Dolphin Dash was a huge success even though it was virtual. We were able to raise $25,000! 

With the hard work of our PTA project committee and support of our school staff, we were able to get our project approved and funded by the Measure E Bond. We were projected to have it start soon and be completed by the end of 2023. However, construction delays for the middle school conversion have pushed our project back. We will update you as soon as we have a start date. We look forward to using the space not only for lunch but for other projects and events. 

Current outdoor seating

Location of shade structure

Example of a shade canopy (additional seating not pictured)

Additional Outdoor Lunch Tables

Thanks to the funds we raised during our 2021 Dolphin Dash, the PTA was able to purchase 5 additional lunch tables. This additional seating will greatly benefit the students.